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Transport for London chooses Vivasoft

30th January 2020


Transport for London has strengthened the on-going management of their London Underground Connect digital radio and transmission system through the continued deployment of Vivasoft's subscriber management, provisioning and asset management system VivaTrak. The Connect system is a $1.7 billion Private Finance Initiative (PFI) providing a fully integrated communications system. Selecting VivaTrak will ensure the Underground's mission critical communication system realises benefit from the speed in which subscriber information is configured, provisioned and managed. Furthermore it also delivers life time management of all the digital radios and other mobile devices used within the Underground.














As one of a large number of VivaTrak success stories, the contract is testament to VivaTrak's position as the world leader within this field and also demonstrates Vivasoft's commitment to providing “Best in class” solutions to the Critical Communications market.

Real Time Location System, Asset Tracking & Management, RTLS Technology, Beacon Technology, Digital Radio & LTE
Vivasoft make impact at IOT TechExpo

26th April 2019


Vivasoft exhibited at the IOT TechExpo Global in Olympia, London UK where they launched the world's first Smart iBeacon Gateway, VSG. The response to VSG and Vivasoft's Real-Time Location System VSRLS exceeded all expectations with a large number of organisations expressing a desire to explore this solution further. Vivasoft's Health Sector consultant Pam Thomas was also invited by the BBC Horizon programme to provide her view on the application of AI within health care. 














Real Time Location System, Asset Tracking & Management, RTLS Technology, Beacon Technology, Digital Radio & LTE
Vivasoft develop Smart iBeacon Gateway

4th March 2019


Vivasoft has successfully completed the development of VSG, the world's first smart iBeacon gateway. VSG is an integral component of Vivasoft's Real-Time Location system VSRLS and is the most cost effective and technically advanced iBeacon gateway in todays marketplace.

VSG supports VSRLS in the real time tracking of assets and people but does so while transmitting up to 99% less iBeacon data, via WiFi, than other iBeacon gateways. This has the significant benefit of delivering a huge reduction in the Network and Database Server resource required in performing this enterprise wide critical operation.

Largest County Chooses VivaTrak













Vivasoft is delighted to announce the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department as its first west coast law enforcement customer. The department has recently deployed Vivasoft’s industry leading enterprise wide asset management system VivaTrak to manage all of the agency’s critical and valuable assets. This is a significant milestone in Vivasoft’s ambition of achieving its goal of being the number one provider of asset management systems to the public safety market. 

Taking advantage of the latest available technologies, VivaTrak significantly simplifies the full life cycle of the asset inventory process from acquisition through disposal. VivaTrak is powerful and user friendly and can be operational very quickly providing complete asset tracking and repair management of all assets.


Real Time Location System, Asset Tracking & Management, RTLS Technology, Beacon Technology, Digital Radio & LTE
Vivasoft Move to Larger Premises


















Vivasoft is pleased to announce the opening of its new and larger office in Clearwater, Florida. “On behalf of Vivasoft I must extend our gratitude to Vivasoft’s customers for making this move happen.” says Martin Thomas, CEO of Vivasoft. Martin continues “It is only because of our customers’ demand for Vivasoft’s software products that has enabled us to do this. Looking ahead, this move will be key in supporting Vivasoft’s growth objectives for the next three years.” 

Vivasoft’s new office is across the bay from Tampa and is only a minute from the old office and will therefore still benefit from its close proximity to St Petersburg – Clearwater International Airport.




Real Time Location System, Asset Tracking & Management, RTLS Technology, Beacon Technology, Digital Radio & LTE
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